FIX 4.4 : New Order List <E> message

Structure | Related Messages


The NewOrderList Message can be used in one of two ways depending on which market conventions are being followed.

In the "Non disclosed" convention the New Order - List message is sent after the bidding process has been completed, by telephone or electronically. The New Order - List message enumerates the stocks, quantities, direction for the trade and may contain pre-allocation information.

This message may also be used as the first message for the transmission of a program trade where the bidding process has been done by means other than FIX. In this scenario the messages may either be used as a staging process, in which case the broker will start execution once either a ListExecute is received or for immediate execution, in which case the orders will be executed on receipt.

In the "Disclosed" convention the New Order - List message is sent before the bidding process is started, by telephone or electronically. The New Order - List message enumerates the stocks and quantities from the bidding process, and may contain pre-allocation information. The direction of the trade is disclosed after the bidding process is completed.

Where multiple waves of a program trade are submitted by an institution or retail intermediaries, as a series of separate lists, to a broker ClOrdLinkID <583> may be used to link the orders together.

See Appendix N: Program/Basket/List Trading for examples.

The New Order - List message type may also be used by institutions or retail intermediaries wishing to electronically submit multiple Collective Investment Vehicle orders to a broker or fund manager for execution.



Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
<MessageHeader> Y MsgType <35> = E
66 ListID Y

Must be unique, by customer, for the day

390 BidID N

Should refer to an earlier program if bidding took place.

391 ClientBidID N
414 ProgRptReqs N
394 BidType Y

e.g. Non Disclosed Model, Disclosed Model, No Bidding Process

415 ProgPeriodInterval N
480 CancellationRights N

For CIV - Optional

481 MoneyLaunderingStatus N
513 RegistID N

Reference to Registration Instructions <o> message applicable to all Orders in this List.

433 ListExecInstType N

Controls when execution should begin For CIV Orders indicates order of execution.

69 ListExecInst N

Free-form text.

352 EncodedListExecInstLen N

Must be set if EncodedListExecInst <353> field is specified and must immediately precede it.

353 EncodedListExecInst N

Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ListExecInst <69> field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding <347> field.

765 AllowableOneSidednessPct N

The maximum percentage that execution of one side of a program trade can exceed execution of the other.

766 AllowableOneSidednessValue N

The maximum amount that execution of one side of a program trade can exceed execution of the other.

767 AllowableOneSidednessCurr N

The currency that AllowableOneSidedness is expressed in if AllowableOneSidednessValue <766> is used.

68 TotNoOrders Y

Used to support fragmentation. Sum of NoOrders <73> across all messages with the same ListID <66>.

893 LastFragment N

Indicates if this message is the last of a fragmented set of messages

73 NoOrders Y

Number of orders in this message (number of repeating groups to follow)

=> 11 ClOrdID Y

Must be the first field in the repeating group.

=> 526 SecondaryClOrdID N
=> 67 ListSeqNo Y

Order number within the list

=> 583 ClOrdLinkID N
=> 160 SettlInstMode N
=> Component Block - <Parties> N

Insert here the set of "<Parties>" (firm identification) fields

=> 229 TradeOriginationDate N
=> 75 TradeDate N
=> 1 Account N
=> 660 AcctIDSource N
=> 581 AccountType N
=> 589 DayBookingInst N
=> 590 BookingUnit N
=> 70 AllocID N

Use to assign an ID to the block of individual preallocations

=> 591 PreallocMethod N
=> 78 NoAllocs N

Indicates number of pre-trade allocation accounts to follow

=> => 79 AllocAccount N

Required if NoAllocs <78> > 0. Must be the first field in the repeating group.

=> => 661 AllocAcctIDSource N
=> => 736 AllocSettlCurrency N
=> => 467 IndividualAllocID N
=> => Component Block - <NestedParties> N

Insert here the set of "<NestedParties>" (firm identification "nested" within additional repeating group) fields

=> => 80 AllocQty N
=> 63 SettlType N
=> 64 SettlDate N

Takes precedence over SettlType <63> value and conditionally required/omitted for specific SettlType <63> values.

=> 544 CashMargin N
=> 635 ClearingFeeIndicator N
=> 21 HandlInst N
=> 18 ExecInst N

Can contain multiple instructions, space delimited. If OrdType <40>=P, exactly one of the following values (ExecInst <18> = L, R, M, P, O, T, or W) must be specified.

=> 110 MinQty N
=> 111 MaxFloor N
=> 100 ExDestination N
=> 386 NoTradingSessions N
=> => 336 TradingSessionID N

First field in repeating group. Required if NoTradingSessions <386> > 0.

=> => 625 TradingSessionSubID N
=> 81 ProcessCode N
=> Component Block - <Instrument> Y

Insert here the set of "<Instrument>" (symbology) fields

=> 711 NoUnderlyings N

Number of Underlyings

=> => Component Block - <UnderlyingInstrument> N

Must be provided if Number of underlyings > 0

=> 140 PrevClosePx N

Useful for verifying security identification

=> 54 Side Y

Note: to indicate the side of SideValue1 <396> or SideValue2 <397>, specify Side <54>=Undisclosed and SideValueInd <401>=either the SideValue1 <396> or SideValue2 <397> indicator.

=> 401 SideValueInd N

Refers to the SideValue1 <396> or SideValue2 <397>. These are used as opposed to Buy or Sell so that the basket can be quoted either way as Buy or Sell.

=> 114 LocateReqd N

Required for short sell orders

=> 60 TransactTime N
=> Component Block - <Stipulations> N

Insert here the set of "<Stipulations>" (repeating group of Fixed Income stipulations) fields

=> 854 QtyType N
=> Component Block - <OrderQtyData> Y

Insert here the set of "<OrderQtyData>" fields

=> 40 OrdType N
=> 423 PriceType N
=> 44 Price N
=> 99 StopPx N
=> Component Block - <SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData> N

Insert here the set of "<SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData>" (Fixed Income spread or benchmark curve) fields

=> Component Block - <YieldData> N

Insert here the set of "<YieldData>" (yield-related) fields

=> 15 Currency N
=> 376 ComplianceID N
=> 377 SolicitedFlag N
=> 23 IOIID N

Required for Previously Indicated Orders (OrdType <40>=E)

=> 117 QuoteID N

Required for Previously Quoted Orders (OrdType <40>=D)

=> 59 TimeInForce N
=> 168 EffectiveTime N
=> 432 ExpireDate N

Conditionally required if TimeInForce <59> = GTD and ExpireTime <126> is not specified.

=> 126 ExpireTime N

Conditionally required if TimeInForce <59> = GTD and ExpireDate <432> is not specified.

=> 427 GTBookingInst N

States whether executions are booked out or accumulated on a partially filled GT order

=> Component Block - <CommissionData> N

Insert here the set of "<CommissionData>" fields

=> 528 OrderCapacity N
=> 529 OrderRestrictions N
=> 582 CustOrderCapacity N
=> 121 ForexReq N
=> 120 SettlCurrency N
=> 775 BookingType N

Method for booking out this order. Used when notifying a broker that an order to be settled by that broker is to be booked out as an OTC derivative (e.g. CFD or similar). Absence of this field implies regular booking.

=> 58 Text N
=> 354 EncodedTextLen N

Must be set if EncodedText <355> field is specified and must immediately precede it.

=> 355 EncodedText N

Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text <58> field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding <347> field.

=> 193 SettlDate2 N

Can be used with OrdType <40> = 'Forex - Swap' to specify the 'value date' for the future portion of a F/X swap.

=> 192 OrderQty2 N

Can be used with OrdType <40> = 'Forex - Swap' to specify the order quantity for the future portion of a F/X swap.

=> 640 Price2 N

Can be used with OrdType <40> = 'Forex - Swap' to specify the price for the future portion of a F/X swap which is also a limit order. For F/X orders, should be the 'all-in' rate (spot rate adjusted for forward points).

=> 77 PositionEffect N
=> 203 CoveredOrUncovered N
=> 210 MaxShow N
=> Component Block - <PegInstructions> N

Insert here the set of "<PegInstructions>" fields

=> Component Block - <DiscretionInstructions> N

Insert here the set of "<DiscretionInstructions>" fields

=> 847 TargetStrategy N

The target strategy of the order

=> 848 TargetStrategyParameters N

For further specification of the TargetStrategy <847>

=> 849 ParticipationRate N

Mandatory for a TargetStrategy <847>="Participate" order and specifies the target particpation rate.

For other order types optionally specifies a volume limit (i.e. do not be more than this percent of the market volume)

=> 494 Designation N

Supplementary registration information for this Order within the List

<MessageTrailer> Y