Understanding FIX drop copy in financial trading

July 10, 2024

In the fast-paced world of financial trading, maintaining a high level of transparency and control over transactions is crucial. One key technology ...

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OnixS .NET FIX Engine vs QuickFIXn performance comparison - updated

June 12, 2024

The OnixS FIX Engine SDKs include reference implementation source code samples that are an aid for developers to quickly get familiar with, and then ...

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Difference between CME iLink 2 and iLink 3

June 6, 2024

The CME's iLink protocol is crucial for order entry and management in financial trading. Understanding the differences between iLink 2 and iLink 3 ...

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Detecting TCP congestion using OnixS FIX Engine and Trading Handler SDKs

May 14, 2024

OnixS Support receive questions and issues related to TCP network congestion so have written up an informational article of this complex area.

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OnixS C++ FIX Engine vs QuickFIX C++ performance comparison - updated

May 1, 2024

The OnixS FIX Engine SDKs include reference implementation source code samples that are an aid for developers to quickly get familiar with, and then ...

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OnixS fast-start migration offering CME iLink 2 CGW migration to CME iLink 3

March 13, 2024

On trade date 29th January 2024 the CME Group launched the CME iLink 3 Binary Order Entry Protocol access to the Convenience Gateway (CGW) for ...

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