
The SettlInstructionsData component block is used to convey key information regarding standing settlement and delivery instructions. It also provides a reference to standing settlement details regarding the source, delivery instructions, and settlement parties.

It is important to understand that Settlement Instructions convey standing (reference) data only - and is not used for settlement transactions which are currently outside the scope of the FIX Protocol.

See "Volume 6 - APPENDIX 6-H - USE OF <SettlInstructionsData> COMPONENT BLOCK" for additional usage information.


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
172 SettlDeliveryType N Required if AllocSettlInstType = 1 or 2
169 StandInstDbType N Required if AllocSettlInstType = 3 (should not be populated otherwise)
170 StandInstDbName N Required if AllocSettlInstType = 3 (should not be populated otherwise)
171 StandInstDbID N

Identifier used within the StandInstDbType

Required if AllocSettlInstType = 3 (should not be populated otherwise)

Component Block - <DlvyInstGrp> N Required (and must be > 0) if AllocSettlInstType = 2 (should not be populated otherwise)

Used In