OnixS directConnect
Eurex/EEX/Nodal T7 ETI Order Routing Handler SDK
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- OnixS directConnect
- Deutsche Börse T7® platform
- Eurex/EEX/Nodal T7 Enhanced Trading (ETI)
The OnixS directConnect: Eurex/EEX/Nodal T7 Enhanced Trading Interface (ETI) Handler SDK provides the ultra-low latency direct trading access to the Eurex/EEX and Nodal Exchange T7 platform based derivatives markets.
- Pre-tested – saves time and money in integration testing.
- Supported – service level guarantee that the implementations are production strength, and will support current and future enhancements.
- Ultra low latency, high through-put, and low CPU load – designed for high-frequency, lowest latency usage.
- Supports the T7 FIX 5.0 SP2 application level messaging semantics with the ETI proprietary session level protocol.
- Management of the ETI session-oriented interface via a socket connection over TCP transport.
- Automated gateway failover.
- Automated reconnect.
- Built-in throttling management.
- Supports the Eurex T7 concepts of ETI low frequency [LF] and high frequency [HF] sessions with Standard [persistent] and Lean [non-persistent] orders.
- Includes API support for session layer support, Strategy Creation, Order Handling, Quote and Cross Request, Quote Handling, Trade Notification/Drop Copy, Notifications and Broadcasts.
- Supports Eurex Drop Copy back-office sessions for complete order history of all standard orders of a session.
- Easy-to-use and flexible API – designed for rapid integration within trading strategy architectures.
- Flexible logging – ability to analyze and diagnose issues and activity quickly.
- Included fast-start source code reference implementations with client and latency benchmarking samples – designed for rapid familiarization and to get users up and running rapidly.
- Flexible licensing terms and service level based support.
- Source Code Escrow.
Eurex/EEX/Nodal T7 ETI Order Routing Handler SDK
The OnixS directConnect: Eurex/EEX/Nodal T7 ETI Order Routing Handler SDK includes:
- Handler library
- Documentation
- Sample projects (Getting Started, Trading Client, Benchmark)