FIX 4.4 : Settlement Instruction Request <AV> message

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The Settlement Instruction Request <AV> message is used to request standing settlement instructions from another party. This could be:

  • A buyside firm requesting standing instructions from a sellside firm.
  • A sellside firm requesting standing instructions from a buyside firm.
  • A sellside or buyside firm requesting standing instructions from a third party central static data database.
  • A third party central static data database requesting standing instructions from a sellside or buyside firm.

Settlement instructions can be requested for any combination of the following parameters (in addition to the party whose instructions are being requested):

Alternatively, settlement instructions can be queried by reference to a database of standing instructions using the identifiers of that database as follows:

  • Database id
  • Database name
  • Id of the settlement instructions on this database

The response to such a request should be a Settlement Instruction <T> message with SettlInstTransType <163> "New" containing all SSIs meeting the criteria specified in the Settlement Instruction request. If the request cannot be processed, the request should be rejected with a Settlement Instruction message with SettlInstTransType <163> "Request rejected". Similarly, if the request returns no data, the request should be rejected with a Settlement Instruction message with SettlInstTransType <163> "No matching data found".


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
<MessageHeader> Y MsgType <35> = AV
791 SettlInstReqID Y

Unique message ID

60 TransactTime Y

Date/Time this request message was generated

Component Block - <Parties> N

Insert here the set of "<Parties>" (firm identification) fields

Used here for party whose instructions this message is requesting and (optionally) for settlement location

Not required if database identifiers are being used to request settlement instructions. Required otherwise.

79 AllocAccount N

Should not be populated if StandInstDbType <169> is populated

661 AllocAcctIDSource N

Required if AllocAccount <79> populated

Should not be populated if StandInstDbType <169> is populated

54 Side N

Should not be populated if StandInstDbType <169> is populated

460 Product N

Should not be populated if StandInstDbType <169> is populated

167 SecurityType N

Should not be populated if StandInstDbType <169> is populated

461 CFICode N

Should not be populated if StandInstDbType <169> is populated

168 EffectiveTime N

Should not be populated if StandInstDbType <169> is populated

126 ExpireTime N

Should not be populated if StandInstDbType <169> is populated

779 LastUpdateTime N

Should not be populated if StandInstDbType <169> is populated

169 StandInstDbType N

Should not be populated if any of AllocAccount <79> through to LastUpdateTime <779> are populated

170 StandInstDbName N

Should not be populated if any of AllocAccount <79> through to LastUpdateTime <779> are populated

171 StandInstDbID N

The identifier of the standing instructions within the database specified in StandInstDbType <169>

Required if StandInstDbType <169> populated

Should not be populated if any of AllocAccount <79> through to LastUpdateTime <779> are populated

<MessageTrailer> Y


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