
  • [DOTNET-3158] - Wait for the completion of the underlying connection closing properly
  • [DOTNET-3150] - In the 'append' mode of session level dictionaries, valid tag values should be taken from standard FIX dictionaries
  • [DOTNET-3130] - [BREAKING CHANGE] Scheduler.UtcTimeUsage is obsolete.
  • [DOTNET-3114] - Optimization of messages extraction during restoring the session state from log files
  • [DOTNET-3073] - Session.Logout(..) methods should throw an exception when failing to get the response
  • [DOTNET-3035] - Allow setting Time Zone for the Session Scheduler


  • [DOTNET-3131] - Duplicated resend requests for the last message in the gap interval if it is an application message
  • [DOTNET-3086] - ExpectedIncomingMessageSize setting is discarded after the session Logout

New Feature

  • [DOTNET-3116] - Support .NET Framework 4.8 and Visual Studio 2019