
  • [CPPICEIMPACT-64] - Handler cannot be stopped when unable to connect on Linux
  • [CPPICEIMPACT-65] - Trading status not in FuturesProductDefinition
  • [CPPICEIMPACT-75] - Handler cannot be stopped when unable to connect and snapshots are enabled on Linux

Information Request

  • [CPPICEIMPACT-76] - Setting maximumNumberOfSnaphotRecoveryAttempts to -1 doesn't result in the handler state going to SnapshotInProgress


  • [CPPICEIMPACT-61] - Add sequence number field to PriceLevelBookChange and FullOrderDepthBookChange structures
  • [CPPICEIMPACT-62] - Add BookChnageTypes::Snapshot to identify snapshot events
  • [CPPICEIMPACT-59] - How to know when snapshot has been obtained and what the snapshot is
  • [CPPICEIMPACT-63] - Ability to specify tcp settings programatically
  • [CPPICEIMPACT-67] - Handler start method blocks return until all product definitions received
  • [CPPICEIMPACT-68] - Improved market filtering
  • [CPPICEIMPACT-69] - toString() method for the HandlerOptions

Download details:

Distribution and evaluation downloads available upon request. Email support@onixs.biz