
Type: char

Order type.

Valid values:

  • 1 = Market
  • 2 = Limit
  • 3 = Stop / Stop Loss

    A stop order that is triggered as a result of a trade in the market at which point the stopped order becomes a market order.

  • 4 = Stop Limit

    A stop limit order that is triggered as a result of a trade in the market at which point the stopped order becomes a limit order.

  • 5 = Market On Close (No longer used) (Deprecated in FIX 4.3)
  • 6 = With Or Without
  • 7 = Limit Or Better
  • 8 = Limit With Or Without
  • 9 = On Basis
  • A = On Close (No longer used)
  • B = Limit On Close (No longer used)
  • C = Forex Market (No longer used)
  • D = Previously Quoted
  • E = Previously Indicated
  • F = Forex Limit (No longer used)
  • G = Forex Swap
  • H = Forex Previously Quoted (No longer used)
  • I = Funari (Limit day order with unexecuted portion handles as Market On Close. E.g. Japan)
  • J = Market If Touched (MIT)
  • K = Market With Left Over as Limit (market order with unexecuted quantity becoming limit order at last price)
  • L = Previous Fund Valuation Point (Historic pricing; for CIV)
  • M = Next Fund Valuation Point (Forward pricing; for CIV)
  • P = Pegged
  • Q = Counter-Order Selection
  • R = Stop on Bid or Offer

    A stop order that is triggered by a bid or offer price movement (quote) at which point the stopped order becomes a market order, also known as "stop on quote" in some markets (e.g. US markets). In the US equities market it is common to trigger a stop off the National Best Bid or Offer (NBBO).

  • S = Stop Limit on Bid or Offer

    A stop order that is triggered by a bid or offer price movement (quote) at which point the stopped order becomes a limit order, also known as "stop limit on quote" in some markets (e.g. US markets). In the US equities market it is common to trigger a stop off the National Best Bid or Offer (NBBO).

" Appendix 6-F: 11. Removed Deprecated "On Close"-related Values for OrdType Field [Deprecated in FIX 4.3, Removed in FIX 4.4]" and
" Appendix 6-F: 14. Removed three Deprecated "Forex - "-related Values for OrdType Field [Deprecated and Replaced in FIX 4.3, Removed in FIX 4.4]" ***

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