Time Message Received (ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID) Message Sent (ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID) Exec Type OrdStatus Order Qty Cum Qty Leaves Qty Last Qty Comment
1 New Order(X) 10000
2 Execution(X) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by sell-side (broker, exchange, ECN)
2 Execution(X) New New 10000 0 10000 0
3 Execution(X) Trade Partially Filled 10000 1000 9000 1000 Execution for 1000
4 Replace Request(Y,X) 8000 Request decrease in order quantity to 8000, leaving 7000 open
5 Execution (Y,X) Pending Replace Pending Replace 10000 1000 9000 0 "Pending replace" order status takes precedence over "partially filled" order status
6 Execution(X) Trade Pending Replace 10000 1500 8500 500 Execution for 500
7 Execution (Y,X) Replace Partially Filled 8000 1500 6500 0
8 Execution (Y) Trade Partially Filled 8000 3500 4500 2000 Execution for 2000
9 Replace Request(Z,Y) 6000 Request decrease in order quantity to 6000, leaving 2500 open
10 Execution (Z,Y) Pending Replace Pending Replace 8000 3500 4500 0
11 Execution(Y) Trade Pending Replace 8000 4000 4000 500 Execution for 500
12 Execution (Z,Y) Replace Partially Filled 6000 4000 2000 0
13 Execution(Z) Trade Filled 6000 6000 0 2000 Execution for 2000