
The Security Type message is used to return a list of security types available from a counterparty or market.

Security Types


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
Component Block - <StandardHeader> Y MsgType = w (lowercase W)
Component Block - <ApplicationSequenceControl> N
320 SecurityReqID Y
322 SecurityResponseID Y Identifier for the security response message
323 SecurityResponseType Y The result of the security request identified by SecurityReqID
557 TotNoSecurityTypes N Indicates total number of security types in the event that multiple Security Type messages are used to return results
893 LastFragment N Indicates whether this is the last fragment in a sequence of message fragments. Only required where message has been fragmented.
Component Block - <SecTypesGrp> N
58 Text N Comment, instructions, or other identifying information.
354 EncodedTextLen N Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it.
355 EncodedText N Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
1301 MarketID N Optional MarketID to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable.
1300 MarketSegmentID N Optional Market Segment Identifier to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable.
336 TradingSessionID N Optional Trading Session Identifier to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable.
625 TradingSessionSubID N
263 SubscriptionRequestType N Subscribe or unsubscribe for security status to security specified in request.
Component Block - <StandardTrailer> Y