FIX 5.0 SP1 : <InstrumentParties> component block

Structure | Used In


The use of this component block is restricted to instrument definition only and is not permitted to contain transactional information. Only a specified subset of party roles will be supported within the InstrumentParty block.

Possible uses of this block include identifying Listing Source information; Clearing Org information; Parent and Capital Structure information for F/I and derivative instruments.


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
1018 NoInstrumentParties N Repeating group below should contain unique combinations of InstrumentPartyID, InstrumentPartyIDSource, and InstrumentPartyRole
=> 1019 InstrumentPartyID N Used to identify party id related to instrument
=> 1050 InstrumentPartyIDSource N Used to identify source of instrument party id
=> 1051 InstrumentPartyRole N Used to identify the role of instrument party id
=> Component Block - <InstrumentPtysSubGrp> N Repeating group of InstrumentParty sub-identifiers.

Used In